Author Jeannie McGillivray, embodying heart leadership, captured in a moment of inspiration as she writes

Become a Heart Leader

Jeannie weaves the threads of her life as a tech founder and CEO. creator of The Valleys and her life as a mentor through her favourite medium; the written word.

Be yourself,
Know your value,
Share your truth.

Author Jeannie McGillivray, exemplifying heart leadership, flanked by individuals on mountain peaks, symbolising collective strength and visionary guidance.

Get inspired

Dive into my books

Jeannie is a prolific writer and author of two published books, with two more on the way.

Her first book, A Woman's Work, covers the hard and soft business skills required to take your business to the next level. Fuelled by the raw passion of successful businesswomen in various industries, the book will empower you to scale and grow your business, whatever you do. It is packed full of tips and personal stories that draw on a range of expertise.

Jeannie's second book, Legacy: The Sustainable Development Goals In Action, is a beautifully crafted and curated book co-written with 52 change-makers. The book shows how people and businesses can change how our world evolves. It empowers every entrepreneur and business owner to embody the spirit of giving, adopt impactful strategies, and make a great difference by focusing on the Sustainable Development Goals. It’s a book that has the what, why and how of creating a business that truly matters.


In her forthcoming book Heart Leadership, Jeannie explains how this time in history converges with the evolution of human consciousness and technological advances to bring about a culture of connection, meaning and purpose that might save the world.

This book will give you a deep understanding of where this movement for positive change fits in with the current political landscape, human spiritual evolution and new economics. It will give you a blueprint for building connection, meaning and purpose in your organisation. It shows how business transformation catalyses positivity, trust, and autonomy in businesses worldwide and how it will enable organisations to achieve the UN's global goals.

We will look at how forward-thinking, conscious businesses are moving from social enterprises and co-ops to embracing concepts like Conscious Capitalism and Holocracy, explain how this is viewed as a valuable asset to the new generation of conscious consumers, and discuss how humanity might evolve through these movements to form inclusive organisations founded on understanding, compassion and love - placing us at the cutting edge of Heart Leadership.


Get in Touch

If you'd like to talk more about how Jeannie might be able to help your organisation reach its full potential.
